Friday, May 21, 2010

Falling Behind in my blog.

I know it's been four weeks since I blogged last. I have just been so busy. My parents were in St. George this week so I have been changing sprinklers since Wensday. On Thursday I moved them, it was a nightmare, I had them all put together and I turned them on and they didn't come on all the way, I checked down the line and saw that one pipe had come undone and the end cap had poped off.
After spending a good hour putting the pipe back together again, they were running. This morning I went out to change them and I had old faithful in my back feild. Come to find out one of the sprinklers had popped off. So frustrating. My dad came home and we are going to either have to buy a new sprinkler head or barrow one.

Just so you know, I'm very clumbsy. This just goes to show that I should not be trusted with anything breakable.

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